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Monday, October 10, 2011


Assalamualaikum guys! How are you? I hope all of you are in the pink! =DDD Well, today, I am going to tell you a tale. About me of course! 

I was born in year 1992, the day is 9th, the month is August. Normally delivered by my mother (not through caeserean or anything; and with the help of a doctor of course!) and since then named Muhammad Affiq (The One that Always Comes First and Praised in Arabic; correct me if I'm wrong and bear in mind dear readers, only God/Allah is subject to appraisal). My mother is Habibu and for the past 20 years or so, has been working with Sarawak's Government as a Pembantu Tadbir Rendah (kinda like an administrative post in the government). Before that, she was an officer in Land and Survey Department of Sarawak. And of course my father, Parthi. He was an employee of Malaysia Airlines System (MAS for short), working as a Senior Operation Officer; before MAS experienced some "tragic" financial problems in 2006-2007, resulting in the voluntary resignation of almost half of its men's power. However, he then worked by himself, selling all sorts of snacks by the roadside to fill his free time; which sometimes I helped too. You need not worry because MAS gave enough; more than enough compensation to its ex-employees following the Voluntary Separation Scheme (VSS).

My other siblings are Ezzat Emir, Saiful Mizwar, Muhammad Hilmi and a sister, Intan Dewi Natasya; all of them aged 17, 15, 14 and 11 years old respectively. All of my brothers have passion; and skills in football (which I don't have) because of my father. He was a keen sportsman during his younger time. He played football, badminton, sepak takraw, some skill in lawn ball but one that I admired so much is his voice. He is an avid fan of Aris Ariwatan (80's singer from Malaysia) and I love it that way! I mean his voice. I, on the other hand, loved aviation so much! And I guess my father influenced me because I followed him to work from I was 5 until I am 9 years old. During that period, I followed him to the airport almost everyday (my dad's working by shift) and thus, I was exposed to all sorts of pilots, cabin crews, airplanes from all around the world! I even shared a close relationship with one of MAS' pilot, Mr. Rune Sundland from Oslo, Norway. He was, at that time, working with MAS on contractual basis. My father happens to be his football coach cum manager for MAS' Kuching branch football team. So, that's why my first ever ambition is to be a pilot! But I wonder, how I ended up reading laws instead? Hahahaha.

My mother is a great mother. She sacrifices so much for the sake of our (her kids) future. I still remember during the 1997-1998 global financial crisis struck Malaysia, my mother resorted in selling sweets she made by herself and until today, I can still taste the sweetness of her sacrifice towards us. She is so patient in raising the five of us; even until now. Her love for us; is until today, unmatched by others (except of course love by our Merciful Lord Allah and His Messenger Muhammad PBUH). Even if I worked for my entire life and give every single cent of my salary to her; it won't event reach half of her love poured to the five of us since we were babies! I always pray that Allah will give her and my father happiness, prosperity and most importantly His blessings in this world and the Hereafter to them. I love you both.

I don't wanna make my life story too long as I am only nineteen (well there's actually a lot more to be written about me) and a longer story will make peoples hesitate to read it, which is a bit of disappointment on my part. Well, I will tell more soon.

Keep biting. Write me.

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