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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Biting, eagerly.

Hello guys. As this is my very first post, I would rather introduce myself first than talking rubbish about biting other peoples’ lives eagerly. I am Affiq Parthi and to be frank, just call me Affiq. I’m a law student, still studying of course but don’t worry, I am not a liar nor a nerd either. I think the best part about being me is that I am single (for now..) and thus, making me more independent and mature, hopefully.
I am open to debate,  often on constructive issues even though sometime I talk bad about Justin Bieber. Well Beliebers, sorry to say so. I was born a Muslim and still until today, a Muslim, pious and proper, modern and open. I am not a terrorist, just as normal as you do and I enjoy Harry Potter.
Seeing that for now, I’ve run out of  ideas to be talked about, I’d better get going before I start talking crap (I think I’ve started). But it’s okay, cheerio!
See you later guys.
Ouh, by the way, I come from a third world country which is vastly developing, Malaysia. Nice to know me.

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