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Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Nowadays, when we heard about Islam, we often relates it to terrorism, war, child and wife abuse and the concept of equality which is sometimes considered to be bad even by some educated persona. Why did this happened? The major cause of these situation is the lack of knowledge.

As a Muslim, I myself often felt sad when peoples relate Islam with every kind of negative things. Thus, as a Muslim too, I feel obliged to make things clear once again as it is before. In Islam, we were never taught to be a terrorist nor to use violence to treat others. This is against the teaching of Prophet Muhammad PBUH and the religion of Allah Himself, Islam. The concept of Jihad which clearly misinterpreted by most prejudice as terrorism is actually brings a noble intention and more towards self-improvement. Literally, jihad is a call to serve in the path of Allah and Islam by writing (like what I did in this post; its Jihad), teaching others about everything is Jihad, serving and taking care of our parents is Jihad, walking to the mosque is Jihad, even restraining yourself from doing something is even considered as a greater Jihad! It is true, Muhammad once used the word Jihad when he go to war, but literally, Jihad in the scope of war is the same as the Holy Crusade, that is to defend the Christendom or Islam itself! So, thus Islam brings us, me, or all of you closer to destruction??

When Prophet Muhammad PBUH teaches we, Muslim, the concept of equality, we accept it in open arms like you were ready to hug your child. This is because for me, and the rest of the Muslim, in religion, every devotees are the same, but not in social life. Muhammad himself was once offered the position to be the King, greater than Solomon PBUH (peace be upon him) has ever become! But, Muhammad rejected the offer as he would rather be a slave than a King because the responsibility in becoming a leader is too much to be carried on his shoulder (even the fact that he is indeed a great leader). So, here in Islam, the concept of equality does not effect your social status, a King is a King, a Prime Minister stays as it is, even a father, still have more authority than the son, so do the elders! Lets not deny that fact, brothers. But, in religious position, we are all the same, the Imam, the elders, the King, the President, lawyers, doctors, engineers, cleaners, teachers, "garbageman"; we are all the same! The only thing that divides us in Islam is the level faith or Iman and Taqwa that we have. If the garbageman have more Iman and Taqwa than the King, than in the hereafter, he shall be positioned higher than the King himself!. Do you have any trouble in understanding this matter? PM me.

How about wife and child abuse and the biggest yet I think, polygamy?? In Islam, there are words from Allah in the form of the Holy Quran, just like the Holy Bible and all the Hindu and Buddha scripts. Allah said (more or less), punish your wife if she do wrong. Punish here does not mean beating up your beloved wife to their death, or to abuse them or spanking, but enough with a few strokes of small rattan that is given with a gentle blow just to wake them up from their mistake. And if they do not listen, then the husband can sleep in the different room from his wife as this to punish her emotionally, because she do not listen. This in time will make them realise that they have done wrong and they will eventually repent, hopefully. In the case pf Prophet Muhammad PBUH asking a father to punish their children when they do not perform their prayers, this is important as this in turn will shape the children's attitude to be more time-concern and disciplined. However, misconceptions have always occur, considering this act is more or less, nearing abuse (that is according to the prejudice).

Who am I to explain all this? I am not a person of strong faith, I am a regular Muslim. But I have teachings that will always stay in my mind. Any confusing facts or questions, please don't hesitate to comment. Thank you.


  1. very inspiring..JIHAD..al fatihah to osama..what most important is that he died as a muslim..

  2. Osama is indeed a very great examples for us to follow. I hope he will be with other Allah's faithful servants. Ameen.

  3. currently i really admire mahmoud ahmadinejad as a great leader..
