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Friday, December 16, 2011

That Moment...

Assalamualaikum and hello guys!

We are actually drawing near towards the end of the first semester, and there could be a really huge possibility we (me and my roommates) will be apart for the next five semesters of studies. In UiTM, if you're not elected to the college, you are going to have to stay outside but of course, there'll be a lot of condition that could get you involved in such situations; non-active member of the college, disciplinary problems, academic performance declining or as easy as running out of your luck!

That means, we are staying on our own outside, becoming the non-resident.. far from each other, and as of now we are of the different faculties and academies, then I suppose it'll be a lot harder meeting each other next semester. Sighhhh... I wanted my roommates to know that it has been a wonderful and wondrous journey throughout the year; staying together, sharing our meals, sharing our bed, spilling our feelings about girls to each other, hatred to the lecturers (some of us) and also not exceptional, all the fighting, mouth-fight and cursing and else.

Citing Albus Dumbledore; "oh to be young, and to feel love's keen sting". I'll miss you guys.

Keep biting. Write me.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Assalamualaikum guys! Sighhhh.. A month had passed since I last posted on my blog. I have been very busy actually, managing my classes and also preparing for my upcoming final examinations. 

Today's entry I feel like writing about memes. Memes according to a famous virtual encyclopedia is an idea, behaviour or style that spreads from person to person within a culture. Recently, I discovered an extraordinary Tumblr-like website; http://9gag.com/ (please click to experience). Apparently, I can't stop myself from continuous grinning, laughing and rolling on the floor as this website provides various sarcastic graphical entries, beautifully coloured pictures and so on. From this website, I also found many memes developing and being passed to one another.

For instance, the fans' dislike of Stephenie Meyer's serial novels; Twilight and their movie adaptations is quite amusing. They (the fans) considered every single men forced by their girls to watch the latest installment, Twilight: Breaking Dawn Part 1 is very "lucky" even some of them posted their own 'suicidal note' since they are not willing to watch the movie either. 

Another memes is the fans' admiration towards Chuck Norris. As we all know, Mr. Norris is a master of numerous martial arts. His capability of defeating every single enemies of his own become the fascination even to our younger generation today. No wonder they liked him so much! =D

And of course, the memes of Justin Bieber's death is abundant on the web. Well, nobody liked him, except the girls. The fans are currently accepting the memes of praying and hoping for his death is the best thing ever occurred in their life. By the way, I am a fan.

On the other hand, not all memes on the website deteriorates our moral values. Some of them are actually teaching us on how to interact better, to always do good things while we lived and of course, cultivating the love for animals especially dogs and cats and also our environment.

I strongly suggest that you go through this particular website for a better understanding on memes. 

Good day all! Keep biting. Write me.

Monday, October 24, 2011

I am So Out of Ideas

Assalamualaikum guys! How are you?

I don't have any clue what to write about.

Thank you. Keep biting. Write me.

Monday, October 10, 2011


Assalamualaikum guys! How are you? I hope all of you are in the pink! =DDD Well, today, I am going to tell you a tale. About me of course! 

I was born in year 1992, the day is 9th, the month is August. Normally delivered by my mother (not through caeserean or anything; and with the help of a doctor of course!) and since then named Muhammad Affiq (The One that Always Comes First and Praised in Arabic; correct me if I'm wrong and bear in mind dear readers, only God/Allah is subject to appraisal). My mother is Habibu and for the past 20 years or so, has been working with Sarawak's Government as a Pembantu Tadbir Rendah (kinda like an administrative post in the government). Before that, she was an officer in Land and Survey Department of Sarawak. And of course my father, Parthi. He was an employee of Malaysia Airlines System (MAS for short), working as a Senior Operation Officer; before MAS experienced some "tragic" financial problems in 2006-2007, resulting in the voluntary resignation of almost half of its men's power. However, he then worked by himself, selling all sorts of snacks by the roadside to fill his free time; which sometimes I helped too. You need not worry because MAS gave enough; more than enough compensation to its ex-employees following the Voluntary Separation Scheme (VSS).

My other siblings are Ezzat Emir, Saiful Mizwar, Muhammad Hilmi and a sister, Intan Dewi Natasya; all of them aged 17, 15, 14 and 11 years old respectively. All of my brothers have passion; and skills in football (which I don't have) because of my father. He was a keen sportsman during his younger time. He played football, badminton, sepak takraw, some skill in lawn ball but one that I admired so much is his voice. He is an avid fan of Aris Ariwatan (80's singer from Malaysia) and I love it that way! I mean his voice. I, on the other hand, loved aviation so much! And I guess my father influenced me because I followed him to work from I was 5 until I am 9 years old. During that period, I followed him to the airport almost everyday (my dad's working by shift) and thus, I was exposed to all sorts of pilots, cabin crews, airplanes from all around the world! I even shared a close relationship with one of MAS' pilot, Mr. Rune Sundland from Oslo, Norway. He was, at that time, working with MAS on contractual basis. My father happens to be his football coach cum manager for MAS' Kuching branch football team. So, that's why my first ever ambition is to be a pilot! But I wonder, how I ended up reading laws instead? Hahahaha.

My mother is a great mother. She sacrifices so much for the sake of our (her kids) future. I still remember during the 1997-1998 global financial crisis struck Malaysia, my mother resorted in selling sweets she made by herself and until today, I can still taste the sweetness of her sacrifice towards us. She is so patient in raising the five of us; even until now. Her love for us; is until today, unmatched by others (except of course love by our Merciful Lord Allah and His Messenger Muhammad PBUH). Even if I worked for my entire life and give every single cent of my salary to her; it won't event reach half of her love poured to the five of us since we were babies! I always pray that Allah will give her and my father happiness, prosperity and most importantly His blessings in this world and the Hereafter to them. I love you both.

I don't wanna make my life story too long as I am only nineteen (well there's actually a lot more to be written about me) and a longer story will make peoples hesitate to read it, which is a bit of disappointment on my part. Well, I will tell more soon.

Keep biting. Write me.

Thursday, October 6, 2011


Hi guys! Just recently I found a new passion inside myself - apart from aviation world, Harry Potter and laws - and the new passion is ONLINE SHOPPING! LOL. It is the typical views of our society that only women prefers shopping, on whatever basis it is. But I am opposing that view because I enjoy shopping and I don't know why. I guess it has been hidden (my passion for shopping) deep inside myself. And I discovered that recently when my friend suggested me a Facebook friend who sells wristwatch online. 

Since then, I craved for online shopping (well even though I am not actually buying and that's because I haven't received my money yet) and I recently read a blog that sells lomographic cameras for a very low and attractive prices! And I am actually planning to buy a wristwatch and a lomographic camera through online businesses. Well, now I am a fan and I guess I have to work hard on my studies so that when I graduated, I can find very good job and of course, very good salary too; which I will spend to shop InsyaAllah. =)))

Keep biting. Write me.

Btw, I am eager to buy my very first Bell and Ross wristwatch.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri~Happy Eid-ul-Fitri!

Assalamualaikum guys! I hope all of you are doing well in the event of the upcoming festive season. Well, on this post, I will tell a tale of Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all of you, dear readers! =)

When I was young, the celebration of Aidilfitri (one of the biggest celebration in Hegira’s calendar) is much more fun than we are today (given the situation that we’ve already grown up). Aidilfitri (or sometimes Eid-ul-Fitri in English language) is celebrated to mark the end of 30 days fasting month of Ramadan, and also regarded by others, to mark the winning of Muslims over infidels in the past years of Prophet Muhammad; peace be upon him (by the way readers, correct me if I’m wrong). In Malaysia, the tradition of celebrating one of the biggest festivities in my beloved country (followed by the Chinese New Year, Deepavali and etcetera) is quite different.

On the eve of the Eid, we will gather in mosques (the men usually does this, as women will stay at houses and prepares it for visiting guests the very next day) and we will start saying takbir, a type of prayer that worships Allah al-Mighty and also in some mosques, selawat , to pray for His messenger, Muhammad pbuh. After that, at night, the Malay men will prepare some lemang (which is glutinous rice, soaked in coconut milk and mixed with pinches of salt, then wrapped inside banana leaves and later, inserted through a hole of bamboo plant and be cooked over fire) which require great skill to cook and to control the strength of the fire and so on… I tried to cook it once and alas, I’ve made myself a burnt lemang! But I can assure you dear ladies; and gentlemen that it is a very fun and sweaty experience!

If the men cooked lemang, the women will prepare much, much more thing to be savoured in the morning. Among them are rendang, ketupat, kuah kacang and in Sarawak particularly, kelupis and some local delicacies such as sago in coconut milk with gula Melaka (but it is rarely prepared these days). Rendang is a type of main course that is for us Malaysian, too good not to be eaten! By using beef, or chicken, well usually beef, and it will be prepared with this ingredients (which I procured from my beloved mother and of course; with great difficulties because she’s busy ^_^) : coconut milk, asam keping, kerisik, lime juice or asam jawa’s juice and of course; a considerable amount of sugar, salt and so on. Fuhhhhh, that a list! Ketupat on the other hand is rice, wrapped in coconut leaves (which is woven and believe me ladies, it’s hard to be done!) and boiled till it’s ready. Well anyway guys, I actually slept rather late tonight (and I shouldn’t), so, as a matter fact, I would like to wish the Muslims all around the world, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri and have a nice day tomorrow and always! =D

Write me. Keep biting.

Friday, August 26, 2011

I owe YOU!

Assalamualaikum and good day dear readers! How are you all doing? I hope everything went well for the last couples of week. =)
Anyway, I owed all of you an apology because I have't written anything for almost two months and believe me guys, I've got an explanation on that matter. I was recently experiencing some trouble with my internet availability and due to my tight schedule (which I will tell you guys what actually happen to me all these while), I wasn't able to fix the problem, until now.
I quit my job as a cashier last month seeing that the holy month of Ramadhan is nearing and my semester break is getting over. First come first. The idiot broadband of mine is under, let's say' some technical problem and I wasn't able to fix it on time because I am doing business during this fasting month! I can assure all of you that I have a  very little time to spent for myself since the past three weeks. I was busy helping my parents, selling kuih-muih (local delicacies) and also outing with my friends! But of course dear readers, I am thinking to blog and here I am, tonight, blogging.
In two weeks time, I am going to continue my studies in Bachelor of Legal Studies at UiTM Shah Alam and I am looking forward to it everyday! Eid-ul-Fitri on the other hand is nearer and I am also busy preparing our house for the festive season which I waited for a year!
Well, that's all for today, and I hope all of you have a very good time and happy fasting for the Muslims! =)

Keep biting. Write me. Nuffnang.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Does it hurt?

Good day people! How's life? I hope everything is in order. As a working part-time cashier, I stumbled upon many type of people everyday. Some are gorgeous, kind, and always have a smile on their faces, some are arrogant, they don't even look to you when they are making transaction. Their faces is plain, without a smile and always looking very frustrated. Does it hurt you to give a smile and say thank you? That is one of the bad habits of Malaysians; a TYPICAL Malaysian. They are always too lazy too even look at you, as if they have something reeeeeeeally important to do! I hope they can change, for a better future.

When you are driving for instance, does it hurt you to put on your seat-belt? Will it bite or even kill you when you put it on? Here's where the stereotype "Asians are bad drivers" come from. Truly, they are really bad driver; hideous! I am Malaysian but I obey the rules. Not all Asians are bad drivers but some are! Does it hurt to drive carefully and to respect the others?

At times we may be ignorant about these things, but we can improve, we can change! Start from home, home is where these moral values can be cultivated by the parents themselves. I hope we can be a better person for a better world.

Keep biting. Write me.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Since this post is going to be, ahhh quite informative, so I’ll try to use English as much as possible. Sarawak (pronounced /səˈrɑːwɑːk/) is the largest state in Malaysia but I guess, one of the underdeveloped states because of its mighty size. Sarawak is mostly mountainous and it consists of series of mountain range namely Banjaran Tama Abu, Banjaran Kapuas Hulu and Banjaran Iran which we shared with Indonesia. Sarawak is situated in the Island of Borneo which happens to have the world's oldest rainforests, with over 8,000 species of flowering plants, including some 2,000 species of trees, 200 odd palms and more than 800 varieties of orchids - a horticulturists’ dream come true… =) Among the other well-known flowers are the hibiscus (Malaysia's national flower), and the evil, foul-smelling Rafflesia, measuring up to a metre across, weighing up to 9 kg, and smelling like rotting meat – aahhh well; a vulture's dream come true. Thankfully, it blooms only once in a while.

I guess my plagiarised description of Sarawak’s rainforest will not disturb you dear readers. The capital city of Sarawak is Kuching, my dearly beloved hometown and believe it or not, I’m one of the 579,900 residents of Kuching!!! Feuwhhhhh again… lesser traffic jam compared to Malaysia’s capital city, Kuala Lumpur. Actually, I’m a bit lazy to write tonight but as I’ve promised, I’ll just continue writing until my lappy runs out of battery… =) overall, Sarawak’s total population up-to-date is around 2,357,500… that’s a huge amount of carbon emission! Well, a bit on Sarawak’s history; we have the White Rajahs starting with James Brooke who invaded and colonised the state of Sarawak for more than a hundred years starting in 24 September 1841; when the short-minded long-gone Sultan of Brunei (sorry to have used that word) handed over Sarawak to His Majesty. Nevertheless, they (the Rajahs) built Fort Margherita, the Astana of Sarawak, Sarawak’s old court building and these structures (and many more) is situated not far from my home… hehehe…

Sarawak on the other hand, after a careful observation, I believed having the most diverse ethnic in Malaysia. Sarawak has more than 40 sub-ethnic groupseach with its own distinct language, culture and lifestyle. Cities and larger towns are populated predominantly by Malays, Melanaus, Chinese, and a smaller percentage of Ibans and Bidayuhs who have migrated from their home-villages for employment reasons and for some reason, Sarawak is distinct with other states in Malaysia in the sense of the size of its Indian community. Wowwwww… which is smaller. There were also the Kayans, Kelabits, Penans, Lun Bawang, Kenyah and Sebob/Chebob which is the least known tribe in Sarawak… m-y-s-t-e-r-y =O ahhh yes, the Melanaus is a very “special” ethnic in Sarawak. Well, Pak Uban aka Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib Mahmud (Sarawak’s current Chief Minister) is a Melanau and his new wife, goshhhhh hotttttt! (Just to stay up-to-date). =) emmmmm… in the context of cultural diversities, I can prove it just by looking at myself. I’m a mix; Malay+Javanese+Melanau+a bit Chinese... well, I’m not quite sure of the Chinese part… hehehe. Never mind, let’s continue our journey into Sarawak.

Christianity is the largest professed religion in Sarawak with Islam being the second. Well, this must be the work of the Missionaries… ;) hehehe… ouh, ouh, before I forget, Sarawak is divided into eleven divisions (yupp, eleven) and they are so named Betong, Bintulu, Kapit, Kuching, Limbang, Miri, Mukah, Samarahan, Sarikei, Sibu, and the Sri Aman Division. What I love about Sarawak (particularly Kuching) is its coastal area. Even though its sea is not blue as it is in Pulau Langkawi, or green as it is in Sempoarna, well, it’s a gift from Allah! I appreciate that very much. Pantai Damaithe most famous beach in Kuching (not Sarawak; I reckoned) with its white sand, dark green bluish water, ahh… it’s just great! (Clearly, I’ve run out of ideas right now). I guess I’ll stop here and if there is any inquirypleasedon’t hesitate to contact me. Thank you for reading.

Sarawak's State Museum (the building originally built during the Rajahs Dynasty; served as an administrative office)

Sarawak's flag during Rajahs' period.

Sarawak's Waterfront, where Sarawak's old court building is situated and Fort Margherita and Astana is situated not far from this place.

Sarawak's new multi-million ringgit House of Representatives.

 Kuching International Airport, main gateway to Sarawak.

We Welcome YOU to Sarawak! 

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Severus Snape for me (and all his fan) has been a very great pleasure for us since the past ten years. For me, he is the reason why I kept attached to Harry Potter film franchises. As revealed in J.K. Rowling last and final book of Harry Potter, Snape is the true hero, shadowed by his "cold" and moody nature, also by his pale skin and dark eyes; who knows he's a saint?? 

Severus Snape was born to Tobias Snape, a muggle and a witch, Eileen Prince (correct me if the facts are wrong). Snape, as a follower of Lord Voldemort, of course; hated Mudblood or Half-Blood (as I am curious why all the evil sides hated Half-Blood so much, given the situation that their leader, Voldemort himself is indeed a bloody Half-Blood) but Cupid's arrow struck his heart when he saw Lily Evans (a MUGGLE) for the first time. And ever since, his love for Lily has never changed, even after her murder by Lord Voldemort.

As a double-agent, Snape who initially served the Dark Lord, bearing the Dark Mark with him; turned his loyalty to Hogwarts and to Dumbledore, eventually. This happen after Voldemort's betrayal to him, when  Snape begged the Dark Lord to spare Lily Potter's life. Being so emotionally-amused by committing murders, Voldemort murdered Harry Potter's mother Lily. But, when he changed his loyalty towards Dumbledore, he remained "loyal" to Lord Voldemort in front of him. He turns spy for Albus Dumbledore.

For me, Snape was a skilled dueller, an excellent one I presume. Judging from his skill when disarming Sirius Black in the third film, and during the 7 Potters escape from Number 4, Privet Drive, and also during his duel with Professor McGonagall (which he flees because he is outnumbered). If he ever fated to fight in the Second Battle of Hogwarts, I daresay that he'll murder Voldemort for sure if Harry never showed up, again. However, when he is confronting the bloody Dark Lord for the last time, he must keep pretending that he is on his side. Thus, he is willingly given his life to Voldemort. Although in the final book he did protest, but he, still have Dumbledore's word with him, that is to remain "loyal" whatever happens.

Snape died in the hand of Tom Marvolo Riddle, the man he worshiped for the past 20 years. Harry Potter named his son, Albus Severus, for albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape; the bravest man Potter and I and the others had ever known. Rest in peace Severus. 

Keep biting, write me.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Ended. July 15th.

I, as everyone who read my blog are aware, was born on August 9, 1992. When I was young, I was raised up with various surroundings, eras and challenges. First, Pokemon. It was very popular that I bought a Pokeball and try to "capture" my cat into it and of course, it ended with great displeasure. My first toy Pokemon is a very cute and adorable Squirtle. I love them but since we are constantly moving forward, interest shifted.

I then enjoy Power Rangers. Well, actually Power Rangers came out earlier than Pokemon, but as an avid fan of Pokemon, I don't even look at Power Rangers. But, the first time I saw Power Rangers Wild Force, it caught my eyes and I began to follow its series with much affections! Sounded silly, but I, again, "bullied" my father into buying a sword just the same as the Rangers do. But that was about 10 years ago.

Well guys, who doesn't know Harry Potter?? On year 2000 (if I got the fact correct), the first film of Harry Potter franchise; Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone  was released. The movie itself was constructed based on a series of novel written by Joanne Kathleen Rowling or more famously known as J.K. Rowling. I instantly becoming a fanatic fan in a split second! Since then, I never missed the books and the film franchises itself. I am too fanatic; I even memorize all the Spells, all the Magical Items and characters, and I even remember its movies dialogue crystal clear!

During its third installment; Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (which came shortly after the second film; Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets), I was quite devastated because I haven't got any chance to personally "encounter" the movie itself in cinema(s). But, of course I bought a DVD and enjoy watching it. I never miss, not even a single movie, by chance! Hahaha. Truth to be told, I grew up "with" Harry himself.

More on Potter guys, on my next post. Keep biting, write me. Sorry for the late update.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Hi guys. How's life?? Hope that all of you are doing fine. Education is an important route to success. Sounds boring isn't it? But try to imagine without education, will there be any blog, will there be any Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr or even Yahoo and Google? In almost every first world countries, education is put on the topmost priorities as the mindset of the peoples from these countries is to move forward non-stop. But take a look towards our poor third-world countries education system.

Some country are too poor to provide free education and thus causing the rate of illiteracy is alarmingly high in these countries. Asian countries such as Indonesia or even Malaysia itself, have quite pathetic education system. Without adequate teaching tools and backdated syllabus on early education, the children of the third world countries are always left behind than the kids in other country. But not all third world countries are pathetic in their administration of education. Take a good look at Singapore. Her education system is acknowledged and recognised around the globe as one of the best in the world. Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) ranked National University of Singapore number 30 on the list of best university in the wold for its education.

We Malaysian are a bit unlucky since University of Malaya ranked number 180 last year. We can do more to improve our education system and that way is to change how do we think. Malaysian leaders typically puts development in infrastructures as their topmost priority. We can however balance it with education and "constructions"; side by side. There are many other ways but I am going to proceed this in my next post; hopefully. Keep biting, write me.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Life As We Do

Hi guys! Hope you are all doing well. Well, life as we do. We all know the fact that we are now living in an era of economical crisis. If we look towards Barrack Obama, President of USA, his policies to combat economic issues is yet to be successful. The value of Pound Sterling for instance, dropped by almost RM 3 (Malaysian Ringgit) for the past two years.

But look at us, the Malaysian.We are the citizens of a third world country, who are supposed to be facing more economic hardship than you; the first and second world countries do. Instead, we manage to balance ourselves and has been moving forward beginning from the governance of of our former great leader, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad. When the world experiences the economic boom in 1992, where the stock market increases and many peoples; ordinary people like us are becoming multi-millionaires just in one night. At that point, life was so great and when it comes to the time that we say hello to 1997, the economic growth stunted, suddenly. I am not a person of economics, I don't even attached to it in my studies, even though I learned it everyday. I observed, the patience of my parents, facing economic hardship in 1997. We was poor, originally. Try to imagine, even to buy a new pair of slipper, my parents cannot afford to. I love them the very much. But, what I value the most is the action taken by Tun Mahathir, setting the Ringgit valuelower than it is, rather than borrowing from the World Bank or the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Malaysia has no debt. We almost, yes, almost, go bankrupt, but we are saved by this great man, Mahathir.

Can you imagine a year where USA is not involved in a war campaign?? Or simply cold dispute between countries, particularly with the Middle Easts? As far as I am concern, the answer is no. I am no prejudiced towards USA. I love USA. My uncle loves telling me stories about thi great country of yours where he's studying. I am just givind an easy and clear example. There are many other countries are doing the same. Iraq, the North and South Korea, India and Pakistan (just naming a few). Praise be to Allah, we manage to keep South East Asia a peaceful place to visit. Its undeniable there have been various misunderstanding between Indonesia, Singapore, Thailand and even Philippines with our country Malaysia, but we solve the disputes through endless discussion, agreements and others, not war. We love peace and I know all of you do.

Peace to the world. Write me.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Nowadays, when we heard about Islam, we often relates it to terrorism, war, child and wife abuse and the concept of equality which is sometimes considered to be bad even by some educated persona. Why did this happened? The major cause of these situation is the lack of knowledge.

As a Muslim, I myself often felt sad when peoples relate Islam with every kind of negative things. Thus, as a Muslim too, I feel obliged to make things clear once again as it is before. In Islam, we were never taught to be a terrorist nor to use violence to treat others. This is against the teaching of Prophet Muhammad PBUH and the religion of Allah Himself, Islam. The concept of Jihad which clearly misinterpreted by most prejudice as terrorism is actually brings a noble intention and more towards self-improvement. Literally, jihad is a call to serve in the path of Allah and Islam by writing (like what I did in this post; its Jihad), teaching others about everything is Jihad, serving and taking care of our parents is Jihad, walking to the mosque is Jihad, even restraining yourself from doing something is even considered as a greater Jihad! It is true, Muhammad once used the word Jihad when he go to war, but literally, Jihad in the scope of war is the same as the Holy Crusade, that is to defend the Christendom or Islam itself! So, thus Islam brings us, me, or all of you closer to destruction??

When Prophet Muhammad PBUH teaches we, Muslim, the concept of equality, we accept it in open arms like you were ready to hug your child. This is because for me, and the rest of the Muslim, in religion, every devotees are the same, but not in social life. Muhammad himself was once offered the position to be the King, greater than Solomon PBUH (peace be upon him) has ever become! But, Muhammad rejected the offer as he would rather be a slave than a King because the responsibility in becoming a leader is too much to be carried on his shoulder (even the fact that he is indeed a great leader). So, here in Islam, the concept of equality does not effect your social status, a King is a King, a Prime Minister stays as it is, even a father, still have more authority than the son, so do the elders! Lets not deny that fact, brothers. But, in religious position, we are all the same, the Imam, the elders, the King, the President, lawyers, doctors, engineers, cleaners, teachers, "garbageman"; we are all the same! The only thing that divides us in Islam is the level faith or Iman and Taqwa that we have. If the garbageman have more Iman and Taqwa than the King, than in the hereafter, he shall be positioned higher than the King himself!. Do you have any trouble in understanding this matter? PM me.

How about wife and child abuse and the biggest yet I think, polygamy?? In Islam, there are words from Allah in the form of the Holy Quran, just like the Holy Bible and all the Hindu and Buddha scripts. Allah said (more or less), punish your wife if she do wrong. Punish here does not mean beating up your beloved wife to their death, or to abuse them or spanking, but enough with a few strokes of small rattan that is given with a gentle blow just to wake them up from their mistake. And if they do not listen, then the husband can sleep in the different room from his wife as this to punish her emotionally, because she do not listen. This in time will make them realise that they have done wrong and they will eventually repent, hopefully. In the case pf Prophet Muhammad PBUH asking a father to punish their children when they do not perform their prayers, this is important as this in turn will shape the children's attitude to be more time-concern and disciplined. However, misconceptions have always occur, considering this act is more or less, nearing abuse (that is according to the prejudice).

Who am I to explain all this? I am not a person of strong faith, I am a regular Muslim. But I have teachings that will always stay in my mind. Any confusing facts or questions, please don't hesitate to comment. Thank you.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Angry Birds

Hello guys. Tell me, who haven't heard of Angry Birds? I think who haven't must be living on their own in a somewhat creepy, waiting-to-tumble-down-old house. This application, well actually a game from Rovio Mobile gained its popularity when it was at first released for iPhone by Apple Inc.

The game is addicting and when I started to play it, I can't stop but ironically, I am yet to finish the Poached Eggs level! Rovio Mobile made a drastic move when the game was officially released to be played on Android OS. Yeah, we Malaysian rarely have the opportunity to own an iPhone because of its price a bit higher here than the other countries. Well, not all of us, some. I myself own an Android phone, so when Angry Birds is available for this OS, I straightaway downloaded it from the Market.

I am pretty sure that whoever read this post must be assuming that I am boring type of dude, nerd, noob who talked about Angry Birds but sorry guys, I can't help it. Hahaha. See ya!

Biting, eagerly.

Hello guys. As this is my very first post, I would rather introduce myself first than talking rubbish about biting other peoples’ lives eagerly. I am Affiq Parthi and to be frank, just call me Affiq. I’m a law student, still studying of course but don’t worry, I am not a liar nor a nerd either. I think the best part about being me is that I am single (for now..) and thus, making me more independent and mature, hopefully.
I am open to debate,  often on constructive issues even though sometime I talk bad about Justin Bieber. Well Beliebers, sorry to say so. I was born a Muslim and still until today, a Muslim, pious and proper, modern and open. I am not a terrorist, just as normal as you do and I enjoy Harry Potter.
Seeing that for now, I’ve run out of  ideas to be talked about, I’d better get going before I start talking crap (I think I’ve started). But it’s okay, cheerio!
See you later guys.
Ouh, by the way, I come from a third world country which is vastly developing, Malaysia. Nice to know me.